He began: “It has been tough these last few days. I will start by
thanking God for his love and strength in helping us to go through this.
I will also want to thank fans for all the emotional support and
incredible love we have been receiving from you guys. I would like to
say, thank you please and keep the good things coming.
“My family is devastated by the situation and we are doing our best to give each other strength to overcome.
“My dad was an incredible person beyond the spiritual talent he had.
He is one of the most talented and most stubborn person I know. A
combination of his stubbornness, his God-given talent, his ability to
stay motivated, his uniqueness and aspiration to stand for things nobody
would stand for or even speak on, his mistakes, experiences and his
precense are what make him Majek Fashek as you know him today.
However, there is another part to him which most people don’t know which is the dad aspect of him.
“A loving father of three, Michael, Destiny and I, I could go on for
days on the amazing experiences we have had with him – how everyone in
the house except mum always called him ‘Dread.’ Continuously fighting
with him because we were tired of listening to Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix
and whoever he likes for like a year on repeat. Or coming home to see
like 30 people in the house just chilling and vibing to music while my
mum is going crazy trying to entertain everybody.”
Addressing fans who would want to make financial donations towards
Majek Fashek’s burial he appealed to fans to give the family a break in
order to get things right: “I love my dad and I will miss him. I know he
is in a good place and you know, God has a reason for everything. In
this moment please, give us some time to get things in the proper
perspective and then we will get the proper information to you guys.
“Please note that due to Covid-19 and everything going on, things are a bit slow and we will update you accordingly.
“I have been asked by many to provide an account information but I
don’t think this is the right time but for those who want to support
from their heart, the account number is provided below. Please, don’t
donate to anything that is not approved by Randy Fashek.
“There are a lot of scammers out there just trying to make money out of dad’s name. Don’t believe the hype and the fake news.”
Acknowledging the efforts of fans to keep his dad’s legacy alive he
continued: “There are many out there doing their best to keep dad’s
legacy moving but as stated, all agreements, arrangement and
transactions or anything that has to do with dad must go through me. I
am sorry I didn’t get to you sooner; I wasn’t given the opportunity to
do so. Information leaked and then it was all over social media. Again, I
am sorry about that. Thank you for your love and support and for
keeping his name alive and if you knew dad, you will know he never said
bad. He always said peace and love. Thank you.”
Majek Fashek passed on in New York after a battle with an undisclosed illness on June 2, 2020 at the age of 57.
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