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  • Abiodun receives a jab of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine
  • Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State has received a jab dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

    Dapo earlier reported that Ogun State was the first state in the country to receive the consignment of the vaccine.

    The governor tweeted, “Taking delivery of AstraZeneca #COVID19 Vaccines in my office at Oke-Mosan, Abeokuta. Our dear state is the first in the Federation to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine consignment.”

    Ogun state had received 50,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine, while they are expecting the same amount to arrive in the state on Tuesday.

    Taking to Twitter to share a video of himself taking a jab of the dose, Abiodun said, “I just had my dose of the Astra-Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine. The doses were delivered today in Abeokuta. It is the first service to self than people when we take the vaccine because we must silence the virus.”

    He further encourages the people not to see the availability of the vaccine as a means to throw away their face masks.

    Abiodun said, “We will commence vaccination in line with the scheduled guidelines laid down by NPHCDA. They have identified particular state hospitals, general hospitals, primary health care centers across the state that would be used for this vaccination”.

    “I am sure you are aware that there is a portal that already exists, and there is a link that allows you to register or preregister and identify your local government so it can be close to the available center as possible.

    “We will be prioritizing our front-line health workers, our elders, and we go down the line as stipulated by NPHCDA.”

    “Definitely, we are beginning to see the end of this pandemic that has disrupted our lives as we have never anticipated in the last 13 months.

    “But this is not an opportunity to throw our masks away. This vaccine that we are getting, the protocol is that we get the first shot, and then we get the booster shots, and it is not until we get that booster shots that we have the required level of immunity”.

    “Even at that, what science tells us is that it is meant to reduce the severity of the disease, so the COVID-19 protocols and guidelines will still continue to obtain.”

    The post Abiodun receives a jab of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine appeared first on Kemi FIlani News.

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