Big Brother housemate, Maria has won the Head of House challenge and chose Boma as her deputy.

There will be no eviction this Sunday as a result of the secret task.
Maria who will be taking over from Pere, had the highest number in the arena game. She is immune from eviction this week and has been asked to decide who her deputy will be.
She will though however not be granted access to the Head of House lounge for violating Biggie’s rule.
After winning the HoH games, biggie called her to the diary room and he told her there will be no eviction on Sunday.
However she’s to keep this to herself and convince her housemates that Biggie has scrapped today’s nomination and she has the power to evict two housemates. This will be based on how they impress her.
She will create a scoring/ranking system. He reiterated that she’s not to inform anyone on this twist.
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