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  • NL Review!! Is Boy Spyce’s “Boy Spyce” EP Good Enough?
  • Boy Spyce’s only identity right now revolves around being a bonafide Mavin.

    Well, yeah that and the freestyle he did almost a year ago that made him viral and kicked off a series of events that looks like will end in him being nominated for Next Rated at the very least, as is the Mavin tradition.

    Other than that, Boy Spyce is too fresh for us to make any reasonable verdict about. It goes without saying, we can say for sure that he’s in good hands and that he’s probably in the best outfit for him—heck, one of the best out there for anyone.

    But we don’t know him, and we don’t know if he’s come at the right time. Neither do we know if he’s going to surpass the likes of Rema and Ruger or just be another low-key act like Magixx. It is looking good for him, though.

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to the music, and that’s the only way to truly judge a new act. That’s probably why Don Jazzy always make his new artists put out a project immediately after they’re unveiled. We get not just a taste but a full bite of what the artist is about, and what more do we need really?

    “Boy Spyce” EP

    The self-titled thing might end up becoming a Mavin signature, but for now, it’s cliché already. Maybe make the artists have some kind of theme for their music at the beginning of their careers like Ruger did with “Pandemic”? Something other than their names and that isn’t some pet animal? Not too much to ask.

    The EP comes in at five tracks—the natural length of an introductory body of work—so it can go either of two ways. Five songs that all sound alike; identical production, same voice of course, and the usual kind of music that’s isn’t anything new to anyone. Or it could be a real fest; with diverse styles, a show of versatility and understanding of the craft. That is, basically finished product.

    The third option that doesn’t exist is a hybrid of both, some kind of bridge where the artist is showing his prowess and versatility but only in his voice. That is, he isn’t straying too far from the music the average Joe already consumes, but is also offering his fresh voice. That’s kind of where Boy Spyce. The only reason you should listen to him is because he’s new. The only reason you’ll like his music is also because he’s new. And that’s okay.

    Boy Spyce,” the EP is what you’d expect it to be. It starts with the emo track, “Dreams” which tells a story about two friends who had to part to chase their different dreams. Five and a half years later, no call, no text. Now you can imagine how a young boy feels about that and that’s exactly what he expressed on the track.

    I probably wasn’t expecting it to get sexual right away, but then maybe I am a fool for not expecting it considering that’s the whole Mavin M.O. On the second track, “Bad Things,” okay Boy Spyce switched up. Nah, this surely ain’t that “they don join us with Holy Ghost” kid. Filthy filthy lyrics. But it’s cute. The music stands out. Nothing we haven’t heard before.

    Wayo” exploits the hook-chorus pattern as Boy Spyce experiments with catchy lyrics that could mean a hit if handled correctly. Not so filthy this time though.

    Nobody” is the absolute loverboy/heartbreak song and big surprise, they already have a video for it. First single. The song’s got quotables and has that kind of drummy instrumental that makes you feel like the artist knows what he’s doing.

    Heck, Maybe Boy Spyce knows what he’s doing. Only time will tell. But for now, as far as good enough goes, “Boy Spyce” is good enough and even better than that. Maybe a little like Rema, but who isn’t these days?

    Rating: 7/10

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    The post NL Review!! Is Boy Spyce’s “Boy Spyce” EP Good Enough? appeared first on Naijaloaded | Nigeria's Most Visited Music & Entertainment Website.

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