The film follows Jenna Jones (Union), a 40-year-old fashion editor who is trying to make a comeback after a messy public breakup and a high-profile firing. She takes a job at a new magazine, but her plans are complicated when she falls for her charming, much younger coworker Eric (Powers) - who just so happens to be her boss's so
The Perfect Find Movie was released on Netflix on June 23, 2023. It received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising Union's performance and the film's humor, while others found it to be predictable and formulai
Here are some reviews of the perfect find
* **The Guardian** - "A breezy Netflix romcom anchored by Gabrielle Union
* **The Hollywood Reporter** - "A charming and funny romantic comedy that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy.
* **Variety** - "A predictable but enjoyable romantic comedy with a strong cast.
If you're looking for a light and fluffy romantic comedy, then The Perfect Find is worth a watch. It's not the most groundbreaking film ever made, but it's sure to put a smile on your face.""."m:c.n.
from Hot7music
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