Barefoot is a 2014 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Andrew Fleming and distributed by Roadside Attractions. It was written by Stephen Zotnowski and is a remake of the 2005 German film Barfuss. Its story follows Jay, the son of a wealthy family who meets Daisy, a psychiatric patient who was raised in isolation, as he takes her home for his brother's wedding. It stars Evan Rachel Wood, Scott Speedman, Treat Williams, Kate Burton and J. K. Simmons.
The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the performances of Wood and Speedman and others criticizing the film's predictability. However, it was a commercial success, grossing over $12 million against its $7.4 million budget.
The film's plot is as follows:
Jay Wheeler (Scott Speedman) is the "black sheep" son of a wealthy family. He is a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who is currently on probation. As part of his probation, he is working as a janitor at a Los Angeles psychiatric hospital. One night, he overhears another janitor, Frakel, telling a patient that he's a doctor in order to rape her. Jay intervenes and stops Frakel, but he is fired from his job. See
The next day, Jay meets Daisy (Evan Rachel Wood), a psychiatric patient who has been raised in isolation her entire life. Daisy is fascinated by the outside world, and Jay agrees to take her home with him for his brother's wedding.
Jay's family is initially shocked by Daisy's appearance and behavior, but they quickly come to love her. Daisy helps Jay to reconnect with his family and to find his way in the world. However, their relationship is threatened when Daisy's past catches up to her.
Barefoot is a sweet and charming film that explores the power of love and acceptance. It is a story about finding your place in the world and about the importance of family.
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